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All Your Fence Installation Questions

If you are looking to replace or install a new fence at your residential or commercial property but are unsure where to start, you’ve come to the right place. Fencing South Florida is a trusted local fence installation company, eager to answer all your questions and help you find the perfect fence suitable for your needs.

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Fencing South Florida proudly serves our Palm Beach County community. We have fencing contractors in both Boynton Beach and West Palm Beach who are happy to accommodate all your residential and commercial fencing needs.

At Fencing South Florida, we build our wood fences using secure steel frames, ensuring they can withstand the unpredictable Florida weather. We construct our fences with longevity and quality at the forefront of our designs.

You do not need to stain or paint your new wood fence. However, we recommend you do. Staining or painting your wood fence adds years to the fence’s life expectancy and ensures it stays looking aesthetically pleasing much longer.

Vinyl fencing is made with PVC (polyvinyl chloride), which is then mixed with other materials to create a long-lasting, weather-resistant fence. PVC fencing is another name for vinyl fencing; they are used interchangeably.

You can rinse your fence with a water hose for minor dirt and stains. For more challenging, set-in stains, you can pressure wash a vinyl fence. You may also safely use a mild detergent or a baking soda and dish soap mixture.

There is a limited warranty on our ornamental aluminum fences. However, they will not rust, peel, or flake, and are guaranteed to last for years.

Fencing South Florida fences and railings are easy to maintain. We use superior quality materials that prevent damage and rust while keeping the color intact without fading or scratching.

You can paint a chain link fence; however, you cannot use spray paint, as it will not hold. To paint your chain link fence, you need to use aluminum paint. Be sure to use an oil-based paint with anti-rust properties.

Depending on the obstacle you are trying to construct over, you will need to install the proper types of posts. Call our team of specialists to discuss your situation further so we can take measures to ensure a perfect installation.

Composite fencing is worth every penny! They are an eco-friendly option that is long-lasting and rot-resistant. Our composite fences are low maintenance and will give your property a beautiful look.

Trex composite fencing is the best type of composite fence. Trex fencing is more durable, with a beautiful matte wood finish.

Precast concrete fences can be used for residential, commercial, or industrial fencing. They are a resilient and durable option; they are weather resistant, environment resistant and a great way of keeping out intruders.

A precast concrete fence will outlast any other type of fencing, as they are the most solid, long-lasting type of fence. If your fence does get damaged, they are easy to repair, and we are happy to help.

Pool fences require very minimal and straightforward upkeep. Soap and warm water should do the trick if any mildew travels from your pool area or patio onto your pool fence. If it’s heavily stuck on, you can try adding a 20% bleach solution or pressure wash it.

There are a few pool fencing options. Wrought iron fencing can be used for pools; however, it can rust over time. Glass fencing can be used, but is pricier and needs to be cleaned frequently. Chain link fencing is an option, as well as wood fencing.

Whether you’re looking for privacy, security, or an aesthetic add-on to your home, our experts are here to help you look at your options and find the right fence. Our well-equipped team of fencing experts is here to aid you in your decision. You can also use our online feature and build your customized quote.


Why You Should Choose Fencing South Florida

For more than 20 years, our team of industry-leading experts at Fencing South Florida has been servicing our community by building beautiful fences that protect, secure, and provide curb appeal. Fencing South Florida has our own factory, ensuring all material is of the highest quality, and affordable.

Call Fencing South Florida Today to Discuss Your New Fence

Our experts at Fencing South Florida are here to answer questions and address any concerns you may have regarding your new fencing installation. Our team is here to assure you have quick, efficient service, leaving you with a gorgeous fence for years to come. Call us today to discuss your options and schedule your appointment.

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605 Whitney Ave
Lantana, FL 33462

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