What You Should Know Before Beginning a Fence Installation Project

Once you decide on the perfect fencing in Pompano, it’s time to prepare for the installation process. Your fencing company will walk you through what to expect during the installation and how you can be prepared to ensure it goes smoothly. Here are some of the things you need to know about fence installation.
You Have to Know Your Property Line
One of the worst things that can happen after you have fencing installed is to discover that you have exceeded your property line. If your fence intrudes on your neighbor’s property, then you could be required to tear it down and start from scratch. Typically, your fencing company can check local building codes to determine the exact right position for your fence. It can be helpful to check in with your neighbors before you install a fence as well. Make sure you are on the same page when it comes to property lines and let them know what you are planning for your fence, so that they aren’t taken by surprise when it is installed.
Your Homeowners’ Association Codes Could Impact Your Fence
Many homeowners’ associations—or HOAs—dictate how the exterior of your property should be maintained. These rules typically extend to fencing. For instance, some HOAs ban chain link fences or fences of certain colors. If you don’t follow their guidelines, you could be subject to fines and be required to take down your fencing. Check the HOA rules before your installation and review them with your fencing company so that you can avoid any complications.
You Should Know Where Your Utility Lines Are Located
One way to get into a dispute with your neighbors is to inadvertently disconnect utilities during your fence installation. Your fencing company can usually help with the process of identifying areas where no digging should occur on your property, but it can be helpful for you to also have this information. Many communities have designated numbers to call before you dig, or you can contact your utility companies.